Monday 27 February 2012

Proverbs 10:18

He who conceals his hatred has lying lips, and whoever spreads slander is a fool. (Proverbs 10:18)

We know from the previous proverb that we can be led astray by the actions of others, but we can also be led astray by their words as this proverb focuses on. Someone may give us a very genuinely sounding ‘caution’ about so and so, but what is in their heart? He or she may seemingly innocently share a ‘story’ with you about so and so, but what is in their heart? WHY did they share that story with you? WHY did they really caution you about so and so? Is it unforgiveness because unforgiveness is the devil’s domain and not God’s? It is not God’s will for you to foolishly repeat such ‘stories’ or ‘cautions’ because all you may be doing is carrying forth the power of that ‘devil inspired’ unforgiveness. These types of things destroy the unity within extended families and damage the work environment you have to be in everyday and ‘put you off’ some people who could actually add something to your life.

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